Jungen Rumänen Eine Chance! Association
Founded in 2008, Jungen Rumänen Eine Chance! is a charitable association aiming at promoting the integration of Romanian adolescents into society through the realization of joint cultural projects with other Romanian youngsters. The President of the association is Monique Gruber. Her deep attachment for Romania and for the social and cultural projects she initiated and developed in this country, while serving alongside her husband...
If Magic Events
If Magic Events aims at implementing innovative event concepts on the Romanian market and turn them into a tradition, to bring together individuals and organizations with original ideas, thus creating a network of professionals able to contribute to the evolution of their domains as well as to support projects benefiting Romanian society. If Magic Events is dedicated to supporting organizations and individuals in the achievement of the goals they believe in...
Pete Ayres
Pete Ayres graduated with a B.A. (Hons.) in Technical Theatre Arts, specialising in Lighting Design. He has worked extensively in the field of Contemporary Dance, designing for, well-known European artists and touring several times with the Jazz Dance Company. He has worked in a variety of venues - from African amphitheatres, Berlin bus depots, Croatian castles and metropolitan motorways to nationally important playhouses such as The Royal Albert Hall...